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Epsom Circle normally meets on the third Thursday of every month at the RAC Club at Woodcote Park.

Meetings begin at 7:30pm. and are followed by dinner.

Visting brothers please contact the Vice President to book yourself in for dinner click here to email VP.


About Us

What are the Catenians

The Catenians is an international association of Catholic business and professsional men who meet socially once a month at local branches (known as "Circles"). Members refer to each other as "Brothers" to reflect the mutual support and common Catholic bond that is found in the association.

Do I have to be Catholic?

You must be a practicing member of the Roman Catholic Church to join and remain a member.

Where does the Circle Meet?

Epsom Circle meet at the RAC Woodcote Park Country Club
Woodcote Park
Wilmerhatch Lane
KT18 7EW

How much does it Cost?

Each circle has a membership fee which covers membership from April to March the following year. These subs are decided by a vote of members each year. As we are a dining circle, you will need to pay for your meal each month. Please enquire about current charges.

Why aren't ladies members?

Although it is true, only men can become members, Many of the wives or girlfriends of brothers feel as much a part of the association as the men. Although the ladies do not attend the formal meetings, they are involved in many of the social events of the circle and the association.

Is the Catenians like the Masons

The Catenians is NOT a secret organisation. Brothers are proud and open about membership. We welcome visitors into our meetings and social events.

Notable Highlights from Epsom & Province

Province 19 Public Speaking
Winner 2022: Benjamin Church of St Andrew’s School, Leatherhead, with Catenian Province 19 Director Richard Mills
Annual Derby Day Ladies Event
The ladies gather each Derby day to show off their latest hats and enjoy a flutter on the horses.
Enrolment of New Brother
Epsom brothers celebrates each new member at a black tie event.
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Epsom Circle was founded on 12 April 1934 by a total of 23 Brothers, under the Presidency of Brother Gordeon Hensler, KSG, JP.

He was succeeded as President by Brother Victor Feeney. Both were previously members of the City of London Circle and together they recruited members resident in Epsom and Sutton.

The founder Secretary of those distant days was Brother Cornelius Donnell O’Sullivan who later became Circle president on three occasions.

Evidently Epsom Circle was modelled on the City of London Circle and up to the outbreak of war in 1939 meetings were convened at the Spreadeagle Hotel in Epsom where it was customary for dinner jackets to be worn at all Circle Meetings. During the war years, with members absent in the services, Circle Meetings were naturally small and were conducted at the home of Bro. Victor Feeney; much can be attributed to Bro. Victor in maintaining the Circle intact during those dark days. At the end of the hostilities, meetings were resumed with the Spreadeagle as the chosen venue. The cost of dinner in those days must have received unanimous approval at 8/6d (43p) per head, while the annual subscription of £2.14.0 (£2.70) makes for an interesting comparison with today’s inflated prices (£2.70).

Since the late 1970’s we have enjoyed the services offered by the RAC Club for both our Circle Meetings and social occasions. The RAC clubhouse is one of the premier meeting places in Surrey and has remained the venue of choice for the circle.

Membership of the Circle has varied significantly over the years and the rate of recruitment even more so. During the 10 years from 1954 to 1964 records show only 5 new members, whereas in the single year of 1948 a total of 10 new members were initiated into the fold.